28 December 2009

(Video NSFW) Jihad Hobbyist = Jihobbyist...

*WARNING* Audio portion of this video is NSFW.

Another 'tard has tried to bring down a transoceanic airliner with chemical explosives. This person, an educated and wealthy Nigerian, appears to have succumbed to the newest condition afflciting disturbed Islamic males, jihobbyism.

Jihobbyism is the extension of taking on Jihad as a Hobbyist . Some disaffected person, after too much extremist cybersurfing, decides to "become one of the martyrs". In this case, the internet - not a war in Afghanistan or Iraq - becomes the recruiting medium for impressionable Muslims. A person endlessly scrolling through pages of propganda, videos and jihadist podcasts effectively self-indoctrinates. There is no need for recruiting cells, almost anyone can become the Islamic equivalent of the Manchurian candidate.

The sooner we confront the falsehoods of this propaganda and challenge all true believers in Islam to reject violence, the sooner we will be able to engage in meaningful discourse and marginalize these zealots.

I often wonder whether South Africa would have been able to shed the mantle of apartheid had the internet existed. Or would they have collapsed into a spiral of fear and falshoods?

Proponents of peace do not blow up airliners.

Until then, we will be forever at war.