A new dispatch on Afghanistan is up: PENGUINS OF AFGHANISTAN
My intentions were to write several more dispatches about missions, yet there seems to be so little interest in Afghanistan that it hardly seems worth the time to write about real missions.
There is little embedded work coming from Afghanistan. McChrystal's censorship seems to be working. (For now.) He's losing the war and covering it up. The deception is easy when so few people are paying attention. We are losing the war. At this rate it will be lost.
Very Respectfully,
Michael Yon
The musings and philosophy of a citizen|sailor (hence the Deux) seeking critical thinking, rational thought and creative ideas. Military ponderings and other conundrums. Occassionally correct, sometimes funny and frequently sporadic! *This page is the personal writings of the nomme de plume known as Citizen Deux. It does not reflect the opinions of any firm, organization or group
14 May 2010
Whither Afghanistan...
04 May 2010
Nuke em...
history. For the first time in the history of the world, one nation
holds the power to strike against the remainder of the globe with no
fear of reprisal. In a recent Foreign Affairs article it was detailed
how the United States can now deliver a nuclear first strike against the
balance of the world without any retaliation. This is a stunning moment
in history. In the past, nations and empires which held this power were
quick to use it to enforce their will or conquer desirable territories.
And yet the United States continues to act with restraint and prudence.
Despite the accusations by those who oppose warfare in all its forms,
the armed forces of the United States have acquitted themselves with
distinction and dignity in their operations. There has never been a
more carefully or diligently executed conflict with respect to the
impact on innocents. Certainly the wars are far from perfect. The
enemies faced by coalition forces are hard to distinguish and do not
operate from the same ethical standpoint. Nonetheless, these foes face
a military which despite its restraint, continues to deliver defeat
after defeat.
Nuclear Stockpile Fact Sheet Available
Mon, 03 May 2010 17:41:00 -0500
No. 037-10 May 03, 2010
Nuclear Stockpile Fact Sheet Available
"Increasing Transparency in the U.S. Nuclear Weapons
Stockpile" fact sheet is now available on Defense.Gov . The recently
declassified information on the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile is being
made publically available for the first time. The declassification of
the data was approved by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.
The fact sheet is available at: .
U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
On the Web:
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