Michael Yon, a writer whose opinion I respect, indicates that we are losing the war in Afghanistan. This is a very concerning prospect, as we have much more to lose by ceding the ground in this volatile region of the globe. I have a few friends currently deployed and am "on the list" myself (whatever that means) - Note to US Navy - get your mobilization process fixed! Naturally, I have an interest in seeing the coalition succeed in their efforts. I also recognize that Afghanistan has never been a nation. It is a leftover from the post imperial age.
A new dispatch on Afghanistan is up: PENGUINS OF AFGHANISTAN
My intentions were to write several more dispatches about missions, yet there seems to be so little interest in Afghanistan that it hardly seems worth the time to write about real missions.
There is little embedded work coming from Afghanistan. McChrystal's censorship seems to be working. (For now.) He's losing the war and covering it up. The deception is easy when so few people are paying attention. We are losing the war. At this rate it will be lost.
Very Respectfully,
Michael Yon